1. Make sure students use private settings to protect their personal information. Make sure that they do not share information with strangers online, such as their full names, home address, phone number, phone numbers of parents and friends, and credit card information.
2. Tell students do not share schedules about where they are or will be on blogs if they are alone or will be alone.
3. Blogs are places that the students tend to let their guard down. Share with students the importance of not telling everyone exactly what they are doing, or do on a regular basis through their blog. Encourage them instead to stick to “social” information, such as music, movie and other wide spread interests.
4. Establish rules for online use with your kids and be diligent.
5. Save the Web address of your child's blog and review it on a regular basis.
6. Check out other blogs to find positive examples for your kids to emulate.For more information, please take a look at Be a Good Digital Citizen: Tips for Teens and Parents